Thursday, March 17, 2011

This is my latest Op Art post. I tried to focus on one style this time, this set is centered around the hypnotic effect. I also tried playing around with different color, or no color at all in the two black and white shots in this set. 


  1. These photos are all really good!! I think that you really got what you were trying to accomplish. The second, third and last photo's I think really captured the "hypnotic effect" the most out of this draft of your series.

  2. you take gnarly photos. They take the extremes of light and give them shape, good job

  3. I really like this 2nd draft Op Art series because you have truly developed these images compared to the first draft. I really like the second to last image in this series with the bright yellow flower. Many of your images provide a mysterious feel.

  4. I really like this draft, I think it improved a lot from the first group. The only image I was a little confused about was the second to the last image. I really like how you managed to change the shape of hypnotic though.

  5. I really like all you op images. They look great. I really like your third images, because it looks like a spider web, and i thought that was cool. Good JOb :)

  6. These photos are great! I especially like that each of them have a different feel and tone. They are all very dynamic and interesting edits and I think you really captured the assignment at hand. Good job!
