Thursday, October 18, 2012

Night Photography Second Draft

Here's the second draft of my night photography series. I shifted my focus away from motion, but remained looking towards light to bring another aspect to my shots. I originally planned to shoot primarily in black & white, but I found the natural color of many of the shots to be preferable. Editing-wise I kept things simple, only really doing some color-balance when the temperature of the photo was a bit much.


  1. Eric! You nailed it man! I especially like the middle one because the shadows on the victorian house make it seem a little scary and halloween themed.

  2. I love your use of lighting, shadows and mood. Most of these photos suck me into a mood, a melancholy that is hard for may people to capture without facial expressions as subject.
    My only advice is that the fourth photo seems a little rudimentary, almost like an accidental photo. Blurriness can be interesting but that photo's composition seems weak compared to the rest.

  3. wow eric im honesly blown away. I night photography is very difficult, trust me ive tried and failed many times. each picture has its own specific feel but they all come together nicely in a series. The use of lighting is very commendable and i really appreciate the use of shadows in a patten. Well done!

  4. eric these suck. totally kidding! this is some of the best work ive seen, not just from you but in all. each shot is well framed and there is fantastic use of shadow and light. the first 4 seem like a meditation on this subject, all different and mysterious. the fifth one looks out of place and a little blurry, or maybe that haziness is just a metaphor for censorship? the last one is different from the first 4 in terms of composition and contrast, however i really like it, like a haunted house, or the canted position makes me think of a hallucinatory experience gone awry

  5. These pictures are sick Eric. I really like the natural feel of these photos (not just because I'm a flithy hippie) and think that you did a good job playing with light and shadow. You created a different mood in each shot, and I like the patterns you incorporated in each picture.

  6. I think this is a very strong second draft of night time photography incorporating new techniques from your first series. I like how the focus on lights is approached from different angles and I think it is interesting how the last image in this series also focuses on shadows. Great job!

  7. the lightings are great they helped to bring out the mysterious tone to the pictures.
